HomeArchives For: RAWFPage 8

Meet Isaac, Our Latest Recipient

Isaac, age 7, from Eugene, OR, was diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma brain tumor just this past December. The after effects of tumor treatment included difficult-to-manage diabetes insipidus with fluctuating sodium levels and an unreliable thirst mechanism due to hypothalamic damage.

Meet Isaac, Our Latest Recipient

Pituitary Brain Tumor Day – A Retrospective

Events, Uncategorized

For those out there that have followed our story since Alex’s diagnosis, you might have heard me say over and over again that there are blessings in this journey. Sometimes, on the hard days, it is a reminder to myself to get through that day, like an affirmation, and sometimes, when I say it, it’s a a joyful expression. Yesterday, there were many moments of joy.

Pituitary Brain Tumor Day – A Retrospective

RAWF Offers Complimentary Copies of Hungry for Solutions to Brain Tumor Patients Suffering from Hypothalamic Obesity

Hypothalamic Obesity (HO) can be a devastating co-morbidity of brain tumors around the pituitary/hypothalamic axis. The condition can mean uncontrollable hunger and weight gain in patients due to damage to the hypothalamus which acts as the control center for our hunger and thirst. When this mechanism is damaged, the body can be tricked into starvation mode, making the patient constantly hungry and storing calories as fat.

RAWF Offers Complimentary Copies of Hungry for Solutions to Brain Tumor Patients Suffering from Hypothalamic Obesity

Meet Anastasia, RAWF’s Eighth Blood Analyzer Recipient

Two-year-old Anastasia Rafter from Niagara Falls, NY, was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor in her optic chiasm on December 20th, 2016 at 8 months old. The tumor caused her to go completely blind. She failed all standard chemotherapy and underwent surgery in October 2017 where 50% of her tumor was removed but the surgery destroyed her pituitary gland.

Meet Anastasia, RAWF’s Eighth Blood Analyzer Recipient

The Story of Teddy

On July 21st, I sat in the Emergency Room at Yale and had a doctor tell me my son had a large mass at the base of his brain. As a parent, nothing can prepare you for this news. My sweet Teddy underwent a ten hour surgery on July 23rd to remove a large amount of the tumor.

The Story of Teddy

Silas Johnson Named Next Recipient of a Handheld Blood Analyzer

Silas Johnson, age 8, lives with his mom Chelsea, dad Casey and 1.5 year-old brother Ackley in Cody, Wyoming. Silas was diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma brain tumor in January of 2017 and, as a result, suffers from diabetes insipidus (DI) a condition where, due to injury, the pituitary gland does not excrete the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH0, thus making blood sodium levels difficult to manage.

Silas Johnson Named Next Recipient of a Handheld Blood Analyzer

Survivor Spotlight: Daniel Levy

Competitive sports have always been a major part of my life. I was at swim practice one morning in the summer of 2014, I was 14 years old. I had experienced episodes of extreme euphoria about twice a day for several months, I had later found out those episodes were aura seizures. But this particular morning the aura seizure was extremely intense. Last thing I remember is standing in the swim team locker room. I had fallen and hit my head on a concrete bench, as a result suffered an extremely severe concussion. after being rushed to the hospital I had a brain scan and it was discovered I had a brain tumor in my front right temporal lobe. 

Survivor Spotlight: Daniel Levy